Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday's report

I suspect that it was as warm as or perhaps even warmer in NS than it was on Friday morning in the Sunshine State. It was a beauty to look at but a bit on the chilly side, somewhere between seven and ten celcius. It was a jeans day and I hate wearing jeans when I am here. We headed to Daytona in the morning traffic. Where we are situated is a bit south and a bit west of the city of Orlando and we were headed north and east to Daytona, on highway 4, which is right through/over Orlando. It clogs up here and there and some places have four or five lanes but most often, four. It's fast but it can be stop and go. We had both yesterday morning. March is a busy month here with so many people taking advantage of Break time and then the rest of us are just tired of winter, I guess. So... DAYTONA!!! It's more than cars and this week it's bikes.

I can't really begin to describe what Daytona is like with these thousands and thousands and thousands of bikes and the people who ride them. Picture the stereotypical biker and his babe.....they were the thousands. Some were beautiful and some were tacky. It was quite a mix and they were from states in the union, far and wide. We went to a bike show in a stadium, where we saw customized bikes that were outlandish or mind boggling. Then we went into the city itself and walked along one of the mustering roads. That was something. From there to the Daytona International Speedway where it was bamboozling to see the thousands of bikes and bikers and vendors and everything you could imagine and more related to bikes. We thought we had reached the saturation point and headed to the Orlando Visitors and Convention Bureau to get Chris. Heavy traffic on the way back. More than we expected but we are finding that to be the case most of the time: you think you can do the trip in 30 minutes or 50 minutes and it takes that and half again.

Visited with Chris and Laura and Jocelyn. Got a few cute pics of her and of Chris; I thought they would go in "here" but they popped in at the top of my entry...still a learning curve with the blog!!! We watched the latest Delta rocket mark the evening sky as it carried it's spy satelite into space.

So that was was quiet and now Mike is at the pool for a read and a rest. His cough is improving but the antibiotic is taking a lot out of him. He takes no medication whatsoever so when he is on something, he is hit hard. We will head to Luge Lane tomorrow morning for the big party. This morning we found a Flea Market and it was the biggest one we have ever attended....once more, Florida Amazing. Got a few fleas and the bag of things to bring north is filling up. This time next week, we will be packing. Can't bear the thought!!

Thanks for dropping by today. It has warmed up from this morning and it a lovely day. I can't even think about the cold...this is another shorts day. Another coming along for tomorrow.

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